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Brand Spotlight: Ecologi

Brand:  Ecologi

Founded: 2019




The best bits:

  • At this moment in time, the climate crisis IS preventable and Ecologi is providing us with the tools and opportunity to begin to tackle it now.
  • Ecologi selects projects that help reduce greenhouse gases and offset our gas emissions. The projects are certified at the very highest level by organisations such as Gold Standard.
  • It's not only about offsetting emissions it's about becoming climate positive, or in other words, removing more carbon from the atmosphere than we create.
  • Their mission is to remove 3/4 of the global carbon footprint with collective action. You can find out more about their progress so far here.
  • Projects include tree planting in Madagascar; tree planting is one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis, this will help towards the prevention of temperatures rising above 1.5C.
  • You can read more about Ecologi's projects here.
  • Ecologi is all for transparency — you can find out more about them and see a paper trail of their work in their About section. 
  • The transparency continues: read their Roadmap to see what they've got in the pipeline.
  • Their Articles section is full of environmental and climate-related articles that are both enjoyable, informative and most importantly easy to read.
  • You can get involved by signing up for a monthly plan from just £4.50 a month with one of their personal plans, or one of their flexible family plans.
  • Each plan will see trees planted monthly to help prevent or remove CO2 footprints each year, the number of trees planted and the impact depends on the plan you sign up for.
  • This isn't where it stops! You can keep an eye on your progress and contributions via your very own digital forest, which can be found on your profile page. You'll also find achievements and badges, as well as the option to create your own climate lifestyle goals list to help you take it a step further.
  • Businesses can get involved too!
  • Share the love! You can give the gift of long-lasting climate action with a Climate Positive gift



My thoughts:

Ecologi may be the youngest of the businesses that have been selected for a Brand Spotlight so far, but it has already begun to make an impact, an important impact.

I found Ecologi organically whilst browsing the internet, and after exploring their website it was clear that for me, it was a no-brainer and I signed-up straight away. After all, we have one earth and each moment of non-action is one more moment towards a future that can't be reversed. If the planet isn't healthy and the changes to our climate continue, the impact will be devastating to all life on this planet. We should be making choices now to reverse climate change, whilst we still can. If not for us, then for future generations. It's not something we can do alone, it will take a combined effort, and Ecologi is giving us a way to come together and kick into action. If you have the budget to part ways with some money and are happy to do so, then this will help — with the combined effort of others — towards a much bigger issue. This, as I like to put it, is an 'investment' to ensure we can secure the future of generations to come, and all life on earth.

We can all make a difference no matter how small. So I decided to take the opportunity, I signed up for the £4.50 Helper plan — after all, it works out as just over £1 a week, and that is something I can manage, even whilst on furlough. It's all very new, but I look forward to seeing my digital forest grow as time goes on.

I really like that Ecologi makes the idea of being climate positive and awareness of climate issues a much more relatable and approachable topic. They empower us. Not only do they keep us informed, educated and show full transparency on their progress, but they also bring climate positive actionables to the masses.

Sign up here.

Ecologi website links on this page contain my refer-a-friend code — by using this unique hyperlink we'll both get 30 trees if you sign up.

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